Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Expression BLEND - Another Cool

3 post have been posted today. Cool. Much interesting topics found today, he2.
Another cool topic today is Expression Blend.

Expression Blend is Microsoft's user interface design tool for creating rich graphical interfaces for web and desktop applications that blend the features of these two types of applications. Expression Blend is itself written using the .NET Framework 3.0 and Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF). Expression Blend is effectively an interactive, WYSIWYG front-end for designing XAML-based interfaces for WPF and Silverlight (Blend version 2.0 onwards).

What cool about BLEND is It supports the WPF text engine with advanced OpenType typography and ClearType, vector-based 2D widgets, and 3D widgets with hardware acceleration via DirectX. It is completely written using WPF, as opposed to Windows' older GDI or GDI+ graphics technologies.

Have to try this. Anyway after download the trial program i'll let you know what blend looks like and feels.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.